DisplayImage("text", "zpage017", "
", "
", "center", "70", "5", "5", "[Illustration]") ?>
StoryTitle("caps", "Friends") ?>
PoemStart() ?>
PagePoem(17, "L0", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "How good to lie a little while ", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "And look up through the tree! ", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "The Sky is like a kind big smile ", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "Bent sweetly over me.", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "The Sunshine flickers through the lace ", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "Of leaves above my head,", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "And kisses me upon the face ", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "Like Mother, before bed.", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "The Wind comes stealing o'er the grass ", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "To whisper pretty things,", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "And though I cannot see him pass, ", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "I feel his careful wings.", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "So many gentle Friends are near ", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "Whom one can scarcely see, ", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "A child should never feel a fear, ", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "Wherever he may be.", "") ?>
PoemAttribution("85", SmallCapsText("—Abbie Farwell Brown.")) ?>
PoemEnd() ?>