All Busy
Baby Seed Song
Bimble, Bamble, Bumble
Blow, Wind, Blow
The Bluebird
Bobby Shafto
A Bonny Boat
The Bow That Bridges Heaven
Bunches of Grapes
The Clucking Hen
The Coming of Spring
Cradle Song
Dame Duck's First Lecture on Education
The Dustman
Elf and Dormouse
A Farmer Went Riding
A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go
God's Care
A Good Boy
Grasshopper Green
How the Little Kite Learned to Fly
How to Get a Breakfast
I Love You, Mother
I Saw a Ship
I Would Like You for a Comrade
Jack Frost
The Light-Hearted Fairy
Little Brown Bobby
Little Cock-Sparrow
The Little Elf-Man
Little Jack Frost
The Little Maiden and the Little Bird
Little Wind
Lock the Dairy Door
London Bridge
The Lost Doll
The Man in the Moon
Minnie and Mattie
Moon, So Round and Yellow
Mr. Nobody
My Maid Mary
My Robin
The New Year
The North Wind Doth Blow
Nursery Song
Old Dame Cricket
An Old Rat's Tale
Once I Saw a Little Bird
One, Two, Three
Our Flag
Over in the Meadow
The Peddler's Caravan
Peterkin Pout and Gregory Grout
Precocious Piggy
A Pretty Game
Pussy-Cat Mew
The Quarrelsome Kittens
The Rabbits
The Rain
The Rainbow Fairies
The Robber Kitten
The Robin
The Rock-a-By Lady
Rockaby, Lullaby
Rosy Posy
Santa Claus
Seven Little Chicks
Seven Times One
The Ship
Shoe or Stocking
Sing, Little Bird
Sir Robin
The Snow Bird
Some Little Mice
Somewhere Town
Spring's Waking
Swallow, Swallow
The Swing
Thanksgiving Day
There Was a Little Robin
Three Little Maidens
Three Little Owlets
Time to Rise
To the Sun Door
Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee
A Verse
Wee Willie Winkie
What Can I Give Him?
When the Sleepy Man Comes
Whisky Frisky
White Sheep
Who Has Seen the Wind?
Who Likes the Rain?
Who Stole the Bird's Nest
Will You Be My Little Wife
Windy Nights
Winter Night