StoryTitle("caps", "The Owl and the Pussy-Cat") ?>
Owl and the Pussy-Cat," by Edward Lear (1812-88), is placed here
because I once found that a timid child was much strengthened and developed
by learning it. It is a song that appeals to the imagination of children,
and they like to sing it.
PoemStart() ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "The Owl and the Pussy-Cat went to sea", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "In a beautiful pea-green boat;", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "They took some honey, and plenty of money", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "Wrapped up in a five-pound note.", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "The Owl looked up to the moon above,", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "And sang to a small guitar,", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "\"O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love!", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "What a beautiful Pussy you are,—", "") ?>
PoemLine("L6", "", "You are,", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "What a beautiful Pussy you are!\"", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "Pussy said to the Owl, \"You elegant fowl!", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "How wonderful sweet you sing!", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "Oh, let us be married,—too long we have tarried,—", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "But what shall we do for a ring?\"", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "They sailed away for a year and a day", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "To the land where the Bong-tree grows,", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "And there in a wood a piggy-wig stood", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "With a ring in the end of his nose,—", "") ?>
PoemLine("L6", "", "His nose,", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "With a ring in the end of his nose.", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "\"Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "Your ring?\" Said the piggy, \"I will,\"", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "So they took it away, and were married next day", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "By the turkey who lives on the hill.", "") ?>
PagePoem(16, "L0", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "They dined upon mince and slices of quince,", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "Which they ate with a runcible spoon,", "") ?>
PoemLine("L0", "", "And hand in hand on the edge of the sand", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "They danced by the light of the moon,—", "") ?>
PoemLine("L6", "", "The moon,", "") ?>
PoemLine("L2", "", "They danced by the light of the moon.", "") ?>
PoemAttribution("100", SmallCapsText("Edward Lear.")) ?>
PoemEnd() ?>